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Juicing for Better Skin

Juicing, especially cold press juicing, has become extremely popular to how prevalent exotic fruits and vegetables have become.  Fruits and vegetables offer numerous health benefits, including essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.  Cold pressing retains more of the essential nutrients due to the press through which the fruits and vegetables are pressed.

Benefits of Juicing for Skin Improvement

Because of the abundance of vitamins in fruits and vegetables they should be part of any balanced approach to skin repair and improvement.  Citrus juices, which contain large amounts of Vitamin C are excellent choices as they have been proven to reduce wrinkles in large studies and trials.  Great citrus fruit choices include oranges, lemons, limes, and grapefruits.  Typically, it is best to cut the sourness of citrus fruits with a more subtle vegetable like carrots in a cold pressed juice.

Skin also benefits from fruits with large amounts of antioxidants like pomegranates.  Other fruits that are packed with antioxidants include:

- Blueberries

- Raspberries

- Cherries

- Plums

- Apples

- Mangos

- Cantaloupes

Consistent daily intakes of fresh fruits or juices can help reduce wrinkles and improvement the quality and suppleness of the outer skin layers.  Other benefits for skin include reduced acne and redness due to the hydrating factors of the vitamins and minerals and their effect on skin.

We advocate for considering a juicing routine, or at a minimum, increasing your intake or fruits and vegetables along with a topical skin product.  These combinations can lead to reduced wrinkles, better hydrated skin and glowing radiant looks.


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