Vitamin C Serum | Goodnature

Vitamin C has unique properties that make it an excellent addition to any skincare product.  Vitamin C has been shown in studies to improve wrinkles, both fine and coarse in neck and facial areas.  Within the same study, Vitamin C was shown to improve skin texture and appearance when used daily as part of a skin rejuvenation program.

Vitamin C also has the ability to protect the skin from harmful UV rays, when used in conjunction with a good sunscreen.  When adding Vitamin E and ferulic acid to Vitamin C, that combination has been shown to provide a notable rejection rate of UV on the skin. Protect your skin with products that contain Vitamin C in the morning to prevent sun damage during the day. Our Vitamin C collection is designed to fight sun damage and give you the boost of antioxidants for beautiful and glowing skin. 

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